Sitting down to write this blog post I find I don’t know quite where to start. Christmas, New Year, planned micro-adventures, water, and the fact that 2016 is now here and we are just a few weeks away from our start….
I guess that the odd one out in that list is water and yet it fits right in with the blog as so much of our journey is centred around water. The met office announced recently that December 2015 was the wettest December on record, ever. Yet in Australia there have been awful bush fires because it is was so dry. It never ceases to amaze me how water can mean so much, and that it holds real power in whatever forms it arrives (or doesn’t).
For New Year, Andy and I went up to Ardwell in Scotland along with fourteen other members of the Yes Tribe and Project Awesome. The setting was stunning – open horizons post Storm Frank, a sea to challenge Cornwall on its beauty, and silent forests. It was completely off-grid but being surrounded by our friends it felt totally normal and we all talked non-stop about up-coming adventures and trips.
Then, as a group, we decided the best way to start 2016 was to go for a swim. In the Scottish sea. I won’t lie, it was exceptionally cold. But it was also incredible and I haven’t felt that alive in a while. That is how I feel about our trip – I know some bits could get tough and cold and possibly quite lonely, but I also know this is the best way to feel alive. By taking that leap into the unknown (making sure there is some blankets post plunge!)